Category 'Wedding Highlights'


Kathy & Marion :: Wedding Highlights

Kathy & Marion had a beautiful summer wedding under the stars at the Eureka Building in Irvine, CA. This was our first time shooting there, and it truly is a hidden gem that was perfect for their big day.


Diana & Anthony :: Wedding Highlights

This wedding been quite a long time coming for Diana & Anthony. They have known each other since elementary school, and though they liked each other, they didn’t become a couple until later in high school. Originally scheduled for 2020, COVID pushed their wedding plans back by 2 years until just last week when they were finally able to take each other as husband and wife.


Crystal & Khoi :: Wedding Highlights

Crystal & Khoi’s early June wedding took place at the beautiful Venue by Three Petals. The day has been a long TIME coming, and we couldn’t be happier for the two of them.


Jenna & Kevin :: Wedding Highlights

There’s no better way to start off summer wedding season in Southern California than with a beachfront wedding. Taking place over Memorial Day Weekend at the Hilton Waterfront in Huntington Beach, Jenna & Kevin’s wedding was truly the quintessential summer wedding.