Tag Archive 'mellie-bee-events'


Katrina & Martin :: Wedding Highlights

Katrina & Martin both come from large families and support networks of friends, and their communities definitely showed up to celebrate with them on their wedding day.


Linda & David :: Wedding Highlights

“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, and it’s all because of you. Loving you makes me a better person.”

“You are the love of my life. You make me happier and more loved than I ever could have imagined.”


Anna & Justin :: Wedding Highlights

It’s super interesting to see where life’s journeys lead us. For Anna and Justin, her move across the country for school lead her to meet Justin, forever changing both their lives, and we couldn’t be happier for them.


Michelle & Dat :: Wedding Highlights

Michelle & Dat are two amazing individuals who have taught each other what it means to be in love over the course of the many years they have been together. The vows they made to each other are a powerful promise and reminder of how they plan to nourish and grow that love as they begin this next journey together.