Tag Archive 'travis-do'


Hannah & Vincent :: Same Day Edit

What stuck out to me about Hannah & Vincent’s vows was how they both mentioned their loyalty and devotion to one another. And that’s really what vows are about–having the devotion to commit to one another physically and emotionally. Hannah also said it beautifully when she stated that Vincent is the “million dreams of a little girl come true.” What a poetic way to summarize up their love.


Hoi & Vu :: Same Day Edit

Everything about Hoi & Vu’s wedding was just perfection. From their immaculately decorated and brightly lit home that made for wonderful prep shots to the lush greens of their portraits location at Ranchos Los Alamitos to the always beautiful reception venue at The Villa and of course to their easygoing and naturally camera perfect poses and interactions, things couldn’t have been easier for us as we put together this same day edit for them over the weekend.


Isabel & Anthony :: Wedding Highlights

Life has a way of bringing people together when they least expect. For Isabel & Anthony, that was in PA school, where they cultivated a friendship that became a relationship and now a marriage. Happy to have been a part of their summer wedding at the wonderfully charming Colony House in Anaheim.


Vy & David :: Wedding Highlights

These days, it’s hard enough to find high school sweethearts yet Vy & David go back even farther than that. Having known each other since childhood, they’ve really been through so much together both as friends and as a couple. Because of this, it was so fitting that both of their vows ended with “I love you, and I like you” — just perfect.